sâmbătă, 27 august 2011

Cum sa arati ca nu stii a scrie?

 Dau raspunsul: postam frumos cateva randuri pe un oarece site de socializare sau chiar pe blog. Ca sa fim in trend, dara. Asa cere obiceiul: nu ai blog, nu existi! Ganduri bune sau rele, suicidale sau nu, de amor sau ura, de ranchiuna sau marinimie, de exasperare sau frustrare...TOATE, dar toate aceste aspecte existentiale trebuiesc asternute frumos  in randuri, in vazul tuturor. Sa vada vecina de la 3, draguta de ea. Dar imi place si vecinul de la blocul alaturat.

   Ei, cum pot oare sa arat ca habar nu am sa povestesc si sa ma exprim in scris? Blogareala, clar. Trebuie sa fac dovada clara si de necontestat ca nu am acest talent a scrisului. Nu stiu de ce. Fiecare cu ce poate si stie. N-are a face.

    Observ un lucru: singuratatea si lacomia din juru-mi. Lacomia omului de a avea atentie si din toata chestiunea asta nu se vede decat oceanul de singuratate si cum oamenii simt nevoia cronica de a arata ca se simt singuri, de a arata celorlalti ca au nevoie de atentie, au nevoie de sprijin moral, intind mana dupa ajutor de fapt. Asta se intampla. Cui sa-i placa un astfel de adevar crud? Si mastile purtate zi de zi: 'dar imi este foarte bine, draga!', "dar ce te face sa crezi ca cer atentie?", "ma simt fantastic cand schimb zeci de ganduri cu oameni pe care nu-i cunosc si stiu ca citesc cu sufletul la gura", "draga mea, dar ai idee cat de implinita ma simt pentru simplul fapt ca-i simt aproape pe oamenii aia straini?! Dar stii ca nu i-am vazut in viata mea? Ah, dar mai conteaza? Dar de ce ar conta? Eu sunt ferm convinsa ca Vasilica imi doreste binele. E asa prietenos cu mine. Habar nu ai tu, draga! Ce stii tu?! Sa vezi tu, aseara mi-a zis ca-i place cum arat in poza xvbr. M-am emotionat nespus de mult." , "Bine, bine. Imi pare bine ca ai zeci/sute/mii de id-uri, ip-uri si ca primesti un La multi ani sec de ziua ta, de la oameni pe care nu-i vei vedea in vecii vecilor tai si care se prefac ca-ti doresc sanatate, iubire, liniste sufleteasca. Imi place teatrul. Mereu mi-a placut teatrul. Regie! Ridica cortina aia si treceti la treaba. Nu cu graba, domniile voastre. Pe rand. In linie dreapta, va rog, ca in liste de mess sau ca la dansul ala, Pinguinul. Putina consideratiune fata de cei mai lenti si saraci cu duhul".

  Asa. Parca arata mai bine acum. Nu e nici o logica. E doar fanfaronada.

marți, 23 august 2011

Eleva criminala, Alexandra Pintili

   Va mai aduceti aminte de "eleva criminala" (multi ani o sa aiba, din pacate, acest pseudonim), care facea senzatie in tara noastra la inceputul lui 2009? Mai exact luna martie 2009. Alexandra Pintili (17 ani), caci despre ea este vorba. De mai exista si o alta 'eleva criminala' bucuroasa as primi informatia. Se intampla sa mai gresim cand e vorba de asemenea informatii.

   Nu voi face pe justitiarul si nici pe bunul samaritean. Fata a comis o crima. Fapt dovedit. I s-a acordat o sansa la viata in umilul ei popor. Tanara e libera sa-si continuie studiile ca orice adolescent. Mai departe depinde de ea.

sâmbătă, 6 august 2011

10 Tips For Web Success

The webmaster's biggest job is to get their traffic up and keep customers/visitors coming back. Building the site is one thing, but simply building and posting a website does not guarantee traffic. In fact, a website could be beautiful and an example of all the latest technology and still not attract a single visitor if not promoted correctly. Here are 10 tips to guide you to success with your website.

1. The internet is a new medium.
At least compared to print, it is. A website is a waste if it simply re-hashes something which could easily be put into print. Don't have the site be just an online brochure. Put up features which take advantage of the internet as a medium of communication. Filter information for them. Provide search capability. Provide interactivity with features like forums, quizzes and tools. Web visitors like to interact.

2. Treat the Customer's Time as Valuable.
When a person visits your website, you have their attention for that point in time. You either need to use it or you will lose it - fast. Most visitors have short attention spans, what you need to design your site homepage so that it grabs their attention and provides what they are looking for right away. Its like walking into a restaurant. If you walk in and just stand there and nobody comes to greet you, you might wonder what is happening. But, if the hostess comes and greets you right away and walks you to a table, then you will be there for awhile and eat. The same analogy goes for websites. Don't overcomplicate your website homepage. Best results will be obtained if you make it very clear where to click to find what they need.

3.  Design the site for customers, not the company.
Your site needs to satisfy the needs of customers, not the company. So, don't post content which is not really useful to the site's customer. And avoid over-flattering marketing hype about the company. It inflates the ego of the company more than it helps your customer.

4.  Involve the Visitor.
Keep the visitor involved and make them feel like a valuable contributor. Actively ask for the feedback and suggestions. Ask for communication from your visitors and answer that communication swiftly. When getting that communication, capture their email address. This will allow you to communicate with them long after they have moved on and forgotten about you.

5.  Keep it Current.
You need to have content on your website which is timely and relevant to the customer's life. Posting month-old news is not interesting. Posting dry product information which never changes is not interesting. Yes, you need to have product information and other information on your site that won't change much, but you can also post more timely content. You can, for example, post content about how your products can be used in certain situations in life. Provide tips and techniques - things which are immediately applicable and solve a problem.


How to Increase Your Computer Speed Fast

I'm sure you've come across tons of articles and even suggestions from some of your friends on how to get your computer to work faster. Its really not that hard to increase your internet speed. I'm going to make it real simple for you and you don't need to be a computer geek to make this work. The first thing you need to remember is to never, and I mean absolutely never download programs especially free software without reading the fine print. Most free computer software will bombard your computer with spyware which will eventually bring your internet speed to a screeching halt! If your computer is already infected with spyware you can download the leading spyware remover called ad-aware which will scan your computer and remove spyware and tracking cookies from your computer.

Another way of making your computer and internet connection faster is by clicking on start, then run and typing in msconfig. Go to start tab and remove any program except your antivirus software and any other program which you must have start when windows starts. This tip will increase your computer start up time dramatically!

Step number 3, and I do this almost on a daily basis is to clean up your internet cache. Go to your control panel which you can access from your start button and click on internet options. Go to temporary internet files and clear your history. I would recommend that you also set internet history to a maximum of 2 days. Next step is to delete your temporary internet files including offline content. Last step is to delete cookies. Be careful though because deleting your cookies will also delete useful information from your computer. You can read a how to on cookies here www.howstuffworks.com/cookie.htm.

These steps are the basics you can take which will speed up your internet connection immediately. I would also recommend doing a virus check on your computer on a weekly basis. If you don't have antivirus software, get it! You'll be happy you did. Just one virus can wreak havoc on your computer! Make sure you test your internet speed whether its broadband or dial-up, before and after you take these simple steps so you can compare if these steps you've taken have worked. Taking these basic steps will make you a happy surfer and will restore your faith in the World wide web!

About the author:
Gio Mangano is the owner of http://www.bandwidtht1.comwhich offers Instant quotes on T1 Line and business DSL. Gio Mangano also publishes a blog on computer tips and tricks and improving your internet speed at http://bandwidthspeedtest.blogspot.com